Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Have A Gweat Fwiend In Wome, Named...Biggus...

Had a fabulous visit yesterday from my dear old pal, Daryl Burgess, who brought along his parents Neil and June, a pair of miscreants I have not had the pleasure of seeing for several years.

Daryl is a really talented songwriter who has lived in Nashville, Tennessee for the last 15 years. He's also an extremely awesome drummer. We played together in 1986 with Jim Foster. We did a Canadian tour of soft seat theatres and hockey arenas as the backup band for an American outfit called Mr. Mister. They just happened to have the number one album, single, and video in North America at the time, and Jim Foster had a top 10 single in Canada. It was my first real big tour with airplanes, tour buses, and screaming crowds of teenage girls. We roomed together on the road, and this accounts for the origin of the nickname alluded to in the title of this post. We also played in a band called The Rhythm Snakes, which showcased all D.'s original songs. I even rented the basement suite of his house for quite a while in the early 90's. We've been good friends for years, and over time, it has kind of blurred into family. He is a badass, funky mother******

15 months back, Daryl came up from Nashville and we recorded an album of his songs at my studio with some of our old bandmates, John Ellis, Brian Newcombe, and Buff Allen. 3 days of intense effort, and many laughs. Probably the most satisfying engineering gig I've ever done. Daryl took the tracks back to Nashville and added some new vocals, Hammond organ, cello, and other sweeteners. He came up to drop off the hard drive that contained all the additions to our original bed tracks so that I can mix the album when I return in July. I'm going to do both a 5.1 surround and stereo mix version of it. It sounds reaaaaally good....

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